Sherwin Sales

Sherwin Kawahakui Ranchez Sales
Assistant Professor & Writing Center Director
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Specialties: writing center theory; rhetoric and composition; Asian American and Pacific Islander rhetorics

Sherwin Kawahakui Ranchez Sales received his Ph.D. in English from Washington State University. His research interests include writing center studies, composition theory, antiracist pedagogies, and Asian American and Pacific Islander discourses. Dr. Sales’ work aims to center discussion of race, particularly as they concern Asian American and Pacific Islanders, and to call greater attention to the racial experiences that accompany such identities. He has contributed to journals such as Rhetoric Review, College Composition and Communication, Xchanges, and The Peer Review.


Selected Recent Publications

“Challenging Writing Centers’ Commonplaces: An Emerging Director’s Take on Complicity and Social Justice and Its Place in the University.” The Peer Review, vol. 7, no. 1 (2023)

“Creating Space: Cultivating Identities ‘Outside’ Academia.” In “Symposium: Diversity is Not Enough: Mentorship and Community Building as Antiracist Praxis,” edited by Ersula Ore, Kimberly Wieser, and Christina Cedillo. Rhetoric Review, vol. 40, no. 3 (2021)

The Difference BIPOC Mentorship Makes in the Academy.” In “Symposium – Diversity is not Justice: Working Toward Radical Transformation and Racial Equity in the Discipline,” edited by Ersula Ore, Kimberly Wieser, and Christina Cedillo. College Composition and Communication, vol. 72, no. 4 (2021)

“Anxiety with a Face of Uncertainty: A personal Rhetorical History of My Imposter Syndrome.” Xchanges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum, vol. 15, no. 1 (2020)


Selected Recent Presentations

“The Present is not Devoid from the Past: Bringing AAPI History into the Writing Center” Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention (April 2024)

“Bold Uncertainty: Discomfort in the Writing Center as a Catalyst for Growth and Transformation” International Writing Centers Association Annual Conference (October 2022)

“Not So ‘Subtle Asian Traits’: Examining the Fluidity of Asian Diasporic Identity through Digital Media” Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention (April 2022)

“Stepping into the Circle: Navigating Rhetorical Awareness in Bboy/Bgirl Culture and Composition” Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention (March 2019)