Consultants and Contractors

For Consultants and Contractors

At CSUDH, the growth of our campus offers the unique opportunity for design and consulting professionals, as well as general and specialty contractors, to be a part of our campus development. Our projects are funded through Major and Minor Capital Outlay programs managed by the FPD&C department.

Major Capital Outlay Projects are projects that are greater than $600,000 in cost and are funded through a variety of sources, which include State Appropriations and Donor Funds. The FPD&C department submits an annual report, the Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposal (COBCP), to the Chancellor's Office that publishes the campuses five-year capital project budget plan.

Minor Capital Outlay Projects are projects that are less than $600,000 in cost and are limited to those projects that correct deficiencies, provide new or improved facilities, and add access or provide equipment for a minor capital outlay project. Construction does not include any work classified as maintenance or repair.


Architect and Engineer (A/E) prequalification for Major Capital project design occurs during November through March by Capital Planning, Design and Construction (CPDC). This prequalification makes firms eligible July through June of the following year. For more information, contact CPDC at (562) 951-4129, or review the Project Architect Pre-qualification.

Contractor pre-qualification for Major Capital projects can occur any time five (5) days prior to bid and is managed by CPDC. For more information, contact (562) 951-4117.


To receive access to bid documents for any of the projects, your firm must be registered through Bidsync. For additional questions refer to the Office of Procurement & Contracts.

Hours: 8am-5pm
Location: Facilities
Phone:(310) 243-3826