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Effective Fall 2023, the CSUDH IRB requires that all new protocols be submitted through Cayuse. Using Cayuse will streamline and simplify the submission process and help the IRB facilitate your proposed study’s approval. Eligible PIs (faculty, administrators/staff, and doctoral students) should be able to access Cayuse through the single sign-on process. If you believe you are eligible to serve as PI and do not have Cayuse access, please contact for support. |
The CSUDH Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee comprised of faculty, staff, and community members who review research studies that involve the use of human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights of human research subjects by ensuring compliance with university and governmental regulations as specified by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP).
If you're unsure whether you need to submit a full protocol for IRB review, complete the following brief intake form and the IRB will reach out to you. (If you already know that you need to submit your study for IRB review, you can skip this step.)
Please note that the IRB Office requires a minimum score of 80% on the final score and the scores of all the individual modules.
Follow the instructions linked below to complete, certify, and submit your protocol in Cayuse HE.
Consent Forms - customize the appropriate form for your protocol based on whether or not you plan to collect a signature from your participants.
Other Possible Forms Needed - Check with the IRB office or a faculty advisor to determine need.
For Study Modifications or Continuing Review (will move to Cayuse in Fall 2023):
For Biomedical Research Protocols:
Other Documents and Websites You May Want to Examine:
For more information contact Judy Aguirre, Research Compliance Officer at (310) 243-2136 or