
In Spring 2016, a collaborative governance and communication structure was established to inform I.T.-driven decision-making, transparency, and accountability university-wide. Shared governance committees and task groups allow for communication and collaboration across and between I.T. units. Technology task forces are time-bound working teams focused on deliverables or new areas of university investment. Below are the noted committees, the charge, and members. 

Technology Advisory Committee

The IT Advisory Committee for CSU Dominguez Hills is the campus-wide body responsible for providing strategic, technical, and operational advice on information technology concerns to the VP for IT/CIO.

The Advisory Committee will provide strategic partnership, initiate campus-wide IT priorities and policies, and ensure transparency and accountability to the University Community with regards to IT activities on campus. Additionally, the committee will ensure that the campus IT strategic goals and efforts are aligned with the university strategic plan and goals.



Chris Manriquez

Information Technology, Co-Chair

William Franklin

Student Affairs, Co-Chair

Deborah Roberson-Simms

President’s Office

Charles Thomas

Accounting, Finance & Economics, Academic Affairs

Bill Chang

Enterprise Applications/CMS, Information Technology

Christian Jackson

Associated Students, Inc.

Sara Hariri

Information Security and Compliance

Ken O’Donnell

Academic Affairs

Marwin Britto

Library, Academic Affairs

Kim McNutt

College of Extended & International Education (CEIE), Academic Affairs

Larry Kimaara

Administration & Finance

Nicole Rodriguez

Student Affairs

Amy Bentley-Smith

Communication & Public Affairs, University Advancement

Betty Vu or Matt Muchler


Applications, Mobile, & Web Taskforce

Charge: To review, guide, update, and provide decisions surrounding the contents and design of our new mobile app and the web presence of the University.



Bill Chang

Committee Chair, Enterprise Applications - Information Technology

Ken O’Donnell

Office of the Provost - Academic Affairs

Cheryl Koos

Academic Senate - Academic Affairs

Kim Costino

Academic Programs - Academic Affairs

Claudia Peyton

Graduate Studies and Research - Academic Affairs

Marwin Britto


Mitch Avila

College of Arts & Humanities - Academic Affairs

Nicole Rodriguez

Student Success - Student Affairs

Matt Smith

Student Life/Dean of Students - Student Affairs


Communications & Public Affairs - University Advancement

Monica Ponce

Human Resources Management - Administration & Finance

Larry Kimarra

Business Process Management - Administration & Finance

Amy Bentley-Smith

University Advancement

Christian Jackson

Associated Students, Inc.

Data Governance Committee

Charge: To develop administrative processes and practices associated with acquiring, validating, storing, reporting, and using data; advise on the creation of policy; identify training needs across campus regarding expectations for procedures for high levels of data integrity and management; and foster greater understanding across campus about the systems that are supported.



Alana Olschwang

Committee Chair, University Effectiveness, Planning & Analytics, Information Technology

Asha Mohammed

University Effectiveness, Planning & Analytics, Information Technology

Robert Masuda

Enterprise Applications, Information Technology

Martin Simpson

Student Information Services, Information Technology

Yvette Nava

Office of the Provost, Academic Affairs

Tracey Haney

Academic Programs, Academic Affairs

Adria Edwards

Human Resources Management, Administration & Finance

Andre Khachaturians

Annual Campaigns, University Advancement

Matt Jones

Faculty representative

Heather Butler

Faculty representative

Makonnen Tendaji

Associated Students, Inc.

Nancie Mack

Records & Registration, Student Affairs

Information Security Risk Management Committee

Charge: To review new and existing campus and CSU Information Security topics; investigate emerging technologies; recommend changes in campus security processes; and integrate the Integrated CSU Administrated Manual Information Security policies into campus best practices. The committee advises the Vice President of Information Technology in areas of technology processes and tools.



Sara Hariri

Information Security, Information Technology

Monica Ponce

Human Resources Management

Wei Ma


Jamin Butler

Academic Affairs

Yusef Andrews

Information Technology

John Walsh


Rasheedah Shakoor

Associated Students, Inc.

Valerie Nguyen

University Advancement

Mohsen Baheshti


Tony Little

President’s Office

Matt Smith

Student Affairs

Larry Kimaara

Administration & Finance

Ken O’Donnell

Academic Affairs

Christian Jackson

Associated Students, Inc.

Academic Technology Committee

Charge: To investigate emerging technologies and recommend the academic technologies, processes, and tools to be integrated into educational practice, including advising and professional development technology processes and tools.

As a Standing Committee of the Academic Senate, the Academic Technology Committee will work in consultation and liaison with other appropriate Standing Committees, and provide regular updates to the Academic Senate regarding technologies under consideration, via the Senate representative on the committee.

Additionally, the Academic Technology Committee will participate in the annual Senate Retreat at the beginning of each academic year and provide an end-of-the-year report at the last meeting of the Academic Senate by the Chair of the Academic Technology Committee. The Committee will meet monthly, on the first Wednesday, during the Academic year.

For meeting agendas and minutes, please visit: Academic Technology Committee.



Reza Boroon

Committee Chair, Academic Technology

Claudia Peyton

Graduate Studies and Research, Academic Affairs

Kim Costino

Undergraduate Studies, Academic Affairs

Kara Dellacioppa

Faculty Development Center, Academic Affairs

Enrique Ortega

Faculty Senate

Wei Ma

Library, Academic Affairs

Maria Grandone

University Advisement Center (UAC), Academic Affairs

Cara Furman

Documentation & Training, Information Technology

Steve Williams

CEIE Mediated Instruction & Distance Learning, Information Technology

Betty Vu

College of Business and Public Policy (CBAPP), Academic Affairs

Ryan Bowles Eagle

College of Art & Humanities (CAH), Academic Affairs

Amlan Chantterjee

College of Natural & Behavioral Sciences (CNBS), Academic Affairs

Elexia McGovern

College of Education (COE), Academic Affairs

Danielle Reeves

College of Extended & International Education (CEIE), Academic Affairs

Terri Ares

College of Health, Human Services, & Nursing (CHHSN), Academic Affairs

Leo Martinez

Acting Associate Dean, College of Natural & Behavioral Sciences (CNBS), Academic Affairs

Katherine Molina

Associated Students, Inc.

Ahmillyon Marin

Associated Students, Inc.

Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Committee

Charge: To strategize, develop, and promote universal access for the university.  The committee operationalizes its work through three working sub-committees (Instructional Materials, Web, and Procurement), and is comprised of CSUDH students, faculty, staff and administrators. 



Sara Hariri

Committee Chair, Information Technology

Charles Thomas

Academic Senate Chair

Reza Boroon

Academic Technology, Information Technology

Bill Chang

Enterprise Applications, Information Technology

Sally Yassine

Contracts & Procurement, Administration & Finance

Adam Kasarda

Student Disability Resource Center

Rick Dorsey


Cheryl Koos

Faculty Affairs

Amy Bently-Smith

Public Affairs

Mitch Avila

Dean, College of Art & Humanities (CAH)

Lynda Wilson

College of Extended & International Education (CEIE)

Wei Ma


Karrah Cunningham

Student Disability Resource Center

Steve Williams


Shon Lee

Web Team

Tak Yee Poon

Web Team

Kulong Cha

Web Team

Rihaub Shuaib

Associated Students, Inc.

Smart Campus Taskforce

Charge: To leverage available tools to work across existing Infrastructure and contracts, and identify aspirational goals and efforts in support of campus growth in the rapidly emerging world of the Internet of Everything (IOE). 

The Smart Campus Taskforce builds upon existing practices and implementing appropriate technology platforms to enhance campus services, facilitate teaching, learning, and research in the rapidly emerging reality of the Internet of Everything (IOE). In the process, the Smart Campus Taskforce will also identify campus and community barriers to campus services.

In an effort to close the skill gap, the Smart Campus Taskforce will work strategically to position the next generation of students to capitalize on emerging opportunities.




Committee Chair, Information Technology

Richard Tetrick

Facilities Services

Anthony Parker

Facilities Services

Alana Olschwang

University Effectiveness, Planning & Analytics

Johnathan C. Scheffler


Kenneth Seeton

Central Plant

Michael Ferris

University Effectiveness, Planning & Analytics

Roshni Thomas

Facilities Planning, Design & Construction

Richard Chester

Campus Dining Services

Bill Chang

Enterprise Applications

Carolyn Tinoco

Associated Students, Inc.

Amy Bentley-Smith

University Advancement

Linda Doan

Foundation IT

Cecilia Ortiz


Melissa Bancroft


End User Computing Taskforce

Charge: To maintain a computing baseline that accommodates current hardware and software, and standardizes support and training for faculty, staff, and administrators; to recommend and help build an ongoing University Rollout & Refresh technology program.



Farhad Mansouri

Chair, Manager of User & Access Services

Albert Castro

Technical Project Coordinator, IT Division

Edith Martinez

Support, ITC of User & Access Services

Joli Brown

ServiceNow Administrator, IT Division

Dolores Lopez                                                         

Academic Affairs

Gwendolyne Taylor (ARM)

College of Arts & Humanities

Kavoos Blourtchi (ARM)

College of Business Administration

Lauren Ansorge (ARM)

College of Education

Edward Cleek (ARM)

College of Extended & International Education

Cheryl Atienza (ARM)

College of Health, Human Services, and Nursing

Christina Luu (ARM)

College of Natural & Behavior Sciences

Deborah Douglas

University Library

Andrea Alvarez

Administration & Finance

Jacqueline Kuenz

Information Technology

Tony Little

Office of the President

Kim Lopez


Cecily McAlpine

Student Affairs

Hadia El-Bardisy

University Advancement

Victor Giron

Associated Students, Inc.

GI 2025 Advisory Committee

DRAFT Charge: The purpose of the GI 2025 Advisory Committee is to coordinate, promote, and catalyze efforts to serve students and their goals of making timely progress toward a high-quality and meaningful degree. This includes evaluating evidence about which initiatives are effectively supporting the whole student while providing the opportunities to become career ready. Committee members will use a data-driven approach to amplify what’s working on campus and make recommendations to remove administrative barriers, prioritize projects, and amplify the ways that the campus is becoming more inclusive.

The committee work will be reviewed annually and is expected to continue at least through 2025. The committee will receive direction from the cabinet and the president.



Ken O’Donnell

Committee Co-Chair, Vice Provost

Charles Thomas

Committee Co-Chair, Academic Senate Chair

Kim Costino

Dean, Undergraduate Studies

Nicole Rodriguez

Dean, AVP for Student Success

Matt Smith

Dean, Dean of Student Life

Maruth Figueroa

AVP, Retention and Student Learning

Alana Olschwang

AVP, University Effectiveness, Planning & Analytics




Associate Dean

Christian Jackson





Location & Hours

NSM C-151
Monday-Friday, 8 AM - 6 PM



(310) 243-2500

Monday - Friday,8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday - Sunday, 9 AM - 6 PM

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