Our Mission
The California Math Project (CMP) at CSUDH is one of a network of sites statewide that deliver teacher professional development programs with the goals to: (1) provide teachers with effective instructional strategies to ensure their students develop a deep, robust understanding of mathematics, (2) provide teachers with significant sense-making experiences in mathematics, (3) develop teachers' leadership potential to advocate for and deliver rigorous and relevant mathematics education at all levels, and (4) to assess the impact of professional development that goes beyond customer satisfaction surveys.
CMP at CSUDH has a long history of partnering with local teachers and districts to provide quality teacher professional development programs. Our current and recent programs include our Math Teachers’ Circle, teaching focused PLUS Math workshops, and a partnership with College Bridge.
Site Director, Matt Jones, mjones@999lsm.net
Co-Director, Sharon Lanaghan, slanaghan@999lsm.net
Co-Director, Ha Nguyen, hnnguyen@999lsm.net
Co-Director, Kristen Stagg, kstagg@999lsm.net
Co-Director, Carolyn Yarnall, cyarnall@999lsm.net
Project Support Coordinator, Sheila Wood, swood@999lsm.net